👉Many people in Sialkot sells replica. Now what is Replica? A Replica is when you purchase a copy of any famous brand from the market, manufacture it from the manufacturer, and start selling it on the online marketplace. That marketplace could be Amazon, eBay, Etsy, or even your website.
👉You have to keep this thing in your mind that this is a theft. This act can suspend your PayPal account and will also ban your merchant account. This process doesn’t lead to any growth.
👉Many students of Usman Chughtai are into selling Replicas. You can sell replicas if you’re in China because their government doesn’t implement copyright claims. But you can’t sell replicas from Pakistan, American, British, or European accounts.
👉What happens is suppose any famous brand has manufactured and launched its product. The same stuff is replicated in other cities by local brands with their logos. The customer is happy that he has got the product of the brand, but the brand isn’t happy that you sold their replicated products.
👉Just like there’s an owner of a home, car, or business in the same way there is a digital copyright claim on the products of the brands and companies. You can’t steal their content or replicate their products for your business without their consent.
👉You don’t have to do this theft. If you’re a manufacturer start manufacturing your own products with your own logo. Start from small and it will grow gradually. Make your own website patent and start selling the products of your own brand. Keep following up with your customers if you get any orders. They might lead your business to the next level. Ask them to share their video testimonials of their experience with your business and upload it on your website. The day will come when the world will want to purchase from your brand.
👉So, you have to stop selling replicas and make your own brands. Otherwise, it will suspend all your accounts like Etsy, eBay, and Amazon.