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AI-Powered Productivity: How ChatGPT is Making Work Faster and Easier✅

Our AI-powered platform is revolutionizing the way people work, by making it faster and easier than ever before.

How to improve our education system? Once curriculum agenda | Dr. Zaar

In this video Dr Zaar is talking about one curriculum agenda to make improvements in our typical education system.

Does Marriage increase Rizq? | Huzaifa Ali

Huzaifa Ali is sharing his experience of becoming a successful entrepreneur as an Etsy eCommerce expert.

The Power of Keywords in Title Tags for SEO Success

👉Google online ranking factors. Keep this thing in your mind that there are many things that we have to consider, one of which includes on-page factors, that how we will upload content on our websites in such a way that it will be crawled by Google to get accessible to the people.

👉If all of your pages aren’t in the form of a book, then any publisher in the world would like to publish your book? Suppose you have written a book without assembling and without pointing out its pages, chapters, and pages then no publisher would be willing to publish your book. The same standards are set for our websites. 

👉We built our websites and leave them abundant. There’s no benefit to that website if you don’t perform any actions on it. It’s the same as you perform any imaginary story writing on a paper and throwing that paper away. There’s no benefit to it. So whenever you’re willing to make an attractive website, then you have to pay attention to all those things which are important for the website to get ranked on the first page of Google.

👉Whenever a website ranks on the top page, you can’t imagine what positive impact it leaves on your business. The business that was already ranked third on the listing and moves to top-ranked by the specific keyword, then it doubles the business. The most interesting thing here is your Keywords entitle, meanwhile, the keyword is already explained previously as ‘Khul ja Sim Sim’ in the previous videos. 

👉Suppose a keyword for the main website is ‘Turn the Ship Around’, now by reading this keyword people will relate it to something positive. Now if you build any of your pages to sell any product same as the author has sold the book. What if the book is published without a title? And what if it isn’t written in bold and prominent? What impact would it create on the audience? So this thing you have to keep in your mind that whatever keyword you’re targeting and want to get ranked through it, that keyword through which you want to rank your website’s category, landing, or home page so it is important to have it’s title tag in it’s title. 

👉Further the example of the Punjab University’s website is given in the video that the slow response of any website can de-rank your website because it doesn’t give any benefit to its users and it’s practical evidence is shown in the video. While searching on Moz, the homepage contains only 8 keywords and the score of the primary page along with the keyword “Punjab University” is 74. On the other way when comparing Punjab University’s website with another small website whose products are posted on the product page, its page score will be 89 and the page rank with 55 keywords it’s just a game of keyword combinations to rank any website.

👉So whenever you’re going to do SEO on any of your websites, the first thing you should focus is on the keywords combinations and bring out the most possible combination of keywords. You don’t have to rank with one keyword because every person’s thought process is different and they’ll search for the same product in different ways. 

👉Also, You have to learn about the titles because as soon as the page will open the first thing Google makes you read is your website’s title. So if your titles wouldn’t be properly descriptive then you’ll not be able to make people understand about your website. 

👉Another example of a leather kilt website is given and practically explained with its title and details. It means the more you focus on making your page and title better, the more it will be crawled by Google and get ranked. 


AI-Powered Productivity: How ChatGPT is Making Work Faster and Easier✅

Our AI-powered platform is revolutionizing the way people work, by making it faster and easier than ever before.

How to improve our education system? Once curriculum agenda | Dr. Zaar

In this video Dr Zaar is talking about one curriculum agenda to make improvements in our typical education system.

Does Marriage increase Rizq? | Huzaifa Ali

Huzaifa Ali is sharing his experience of becoming a successful entrepreneur as an Etsy eCommerce expert.

“Tech, Faith, and Social Impact: A Conversation with the Founder of @Islam360Real

Welcome to today's episode of the GupShup series where we have a very special guest, Zahid Hussain Chihpa, the founder of the Islam360 app.

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AI-Powered Productivity: How ChatGPT is Making Work Faster and Easier✅

Our AI-powered platform is revolutionizing the way people work, by making it faster and easier than ever before.

How to improve our education system? Once curriculum agenda | Dr. Zaar

In this video Dr Zaar is talking about one curriculum agenda to make improvements in our typical education system.

Does Marriage increase Rizq? | Huzaifa Ali

Huzaifa Ali is sharing his experience of becoming a successful entrepreneur as an Etsy eCommerce expert.

“Tech, Faith, and Social Impact: A Conversation with the Founder of @Islam360Real

Welcome to today's episode of the GupShup series where we have a very special guest, Zahid Hussain Chihpa, the founder of the Islam360 app.

How to Get High Paying Freelancing Clients From International Market places

In this video Sir Usman given the best tips to get high-paying clients and compete with international marketplaces through freelancing platforms.

AI-Powered Productivity: How ChatGPT is Making Work Faster and Easier✅

Our AI-powered platform is revolutionizing the way people work, by making it faster and easier than ever before.

How to improve our education system? Once curriculum agenda | Dr. Zaar

In this video Dr Zaar is talking about one curriculum agenda to make improvements in our typical education system.

Does Marriage increase Rizq? | Huzaifa Ali

Huzaifa Ali is sharing his experience of becoming a successful entrepreneur as an Etsy eCommerce expert.


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